How to Opt Out from Family Tree Now in 2021

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FamilyTreeNow is a family tree and genealogy research website. With the site, individuals can study their family history records, build family trees, and discover their pasts. The site is 100% free; therefore, users must only provide a first name, middle name, last name, city, state, or birth date to access records.

FamilyTreeNow has billions of historical non-FCRA data, including census records (1790 to 1940), birth records, living people records, and World War II enlistment records. The World War II records include the names, enlistment dates, birth years, marital status, race, levels of education, enlistment terms, and serial numbers of troops.

Apart from obtaining family history records through the site, users can create a family tree using the free family tree builder and ask family members to expand the tree. FamilyTreeNow also helps individuals trace their family origins back hundreds of years and find long-lost relatives. Additionally, the site has a genealogy directory with a list of the most popular names. Individuals can browse names alphabetically on the directory without having to use the search engine.

The records on the FamilyTreeNow database cannot be used for credit rating, hiring decisions, tenant screening, or other purposes indicated by the Fair Credit Reporting Act, as the site is not FCRA-compliant.

Individuals can delete their records from the FamilyTreeNow website. They can also opt-out of the collection of information by third-party advertising networks while using the service.

How to Opt-Out of FamilyTreeNow

FamilyTreeNow allows users to delist their records from its service. This can be done by opting out of the service. The steps are as follows:

  1. Using your computer, mobile device, or another internet-capable device, go to
  2. Navigate to the "Do Not Sell My Personal Information" link, located at the bottom of the homepage.
  3. Read the instructions on the opt-out page, complete the displayed CAPTCHA, and click on "Begin Opt-Out Procedure".
  4. Input your first name, last name, location, and birth year of the record to remove, and click the search button.
  5. On the search results page, find the required listing and click "View Details".
  6. On the next page, click on the red "Opt Out This Record" button.
  7. FamilyTreeNow will send an automated email with a link to confirm the opt-out request as the last step to opt-out of the service. Click on this link to complete the opt-out request.

FamilyTreeNow will remove this record within 72 hours of the request to opt-out. Persons opting out of the service do not need to be registered with the service or pay an opt-out fee to remove a record. Note that the site only accepts opt-out requests from a subject of a record in its database.

Users of the service who encounter any issue during the opt-out process can contact the FamilyTreeNow support team using a contact form. They can also call (877) 838-4889, send an email to, or forward a mail to the address below:


P.O. Box 188464

Sacramento, CA 95818

What Difficulties Exist when Opting Out of FamilyTreeNow

Opting out of FamilyTreeNow is not complicated and is processed within three days of a request. However, the service reserves the sole right to reject opt-out requests from members of the public. It also requires verification of a person's identity before a record removal request is granted. This identity verification, which may involve sending copies of state-verified ID documents, could cause concern for some users desiring to remove their records from FamilyTreeNow's database. Therefore, requesters are urged to cross out their ID numbers and photos before sending copies.

Even after removing a record, there is a possibility that the record might resurface on FamilyTreeNow in the future. FamilyTreeNow does not address this possibility or what users of the service should do if this happens. However, concerned parties can get in touch with the service using the contact form on the website, as this is the most direct method of communicating with FamilyTreeNow. Alternative communication channels include sending an email to, making a phone call to (877) 838-4889, and sending a mail to:


P.O Box 188464

Sacramento, CA, 95818