How to Opt Out from People Background Check in 2021

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People Background Check offers reports containing personally identifiable information of individuals residing in the US. The site allows users to access over eight hundred million records of US residents. The records on the site date back to the year 1940, and they are updated daily so users can be sure the information they see is reliable and current. The site gathers records on US residents using local, state, and federal sources.

People Background Check has been featured on CNN, Forbes, CNBC, Yahoo, and Fox News. Users can also look through various customer reviews on the site to see the efficiency that the service promises to deliver. The site is a one-time payment site and does not allow individuals to register or apply for membership before accessing the results. Individuals can run background searches on employees, suspicious people around them, stalkers, friends, ex-classmates, etc. Background checks on people reveal whether they have any arrests, felonies, misdemeanors, civil judgments, liens, or bankruptcies. The site's background checks may include information on the following:

  • Abbreviations
  • Addresses and phone numbers
  • Addresses via email
  • Property records based on age and date of birth
  • Relationships within families
  • Professional background
  • Criminal record
  • Civil verdicts
  • Encumbrances
  • Bankruptcy
  • Records of Marriages and Divorces
  • Death Certificates

As mentioned in the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), the site does not fall under consumer reporting agencies. The People Background Check service provides an opt-out option for individuals who do not want their information displayed on the site anymore. The opt-out option is listed on the site.

How to Opt-Out of  People Background Check

The removal process for People Background Check is detailed on the site. There is an electronic form users can fill to get their information removed from the website. All applicants need to visit the People Background Check website for more information not mentioned below. Here is a detailed step-by-step list on how to remove information.

  • Visit the People Background Check website and fill your first and last names into the search bar
  • Click the "Search" button.
  • Locate and click on your desired result.
  • Locate and click the "control information" setting icon on your profile.
  • Enter your name and email
  • Then click the captcha, follow the instructions and click "submit"
  • Check your email and click on a confirmation link to complete the removal.

The removal process takes between 24 to 48 hours to get confirmed. After The whole process, the service sends a confirmation email and applicants need to go to the site to check their listing and confirm that it got wiped from the search results. The removal process for the site is pretty straightforward.

What Difficulties Exist when Opting Out of People Background Check?

Removing a person's information from the People Background Check website is not difficult. This is due to the site's provision for people to opt out of having their information displayed on the site. The opt-out process is quite simple and, unlike some other sites, does not require individuals to type out a full application with their drivers' license, national ID card, or send in a court order or any other addendum that may be added to such application. To opt out of the People Background Check Service, individuals must first identify where their information is listed and confirm how many times it is listed. Users may check for their information by typing their full name into the search engine on the homepage of the site. Individuals are also allowed to apply to remove more profiles by following the same process for every listing that comes up during the search.

Applicants are advised to use protected email addresses or their secondary email address to register for the removal process. This is because the site does not assure users that their personal email addresses will be protected. It also doesn't assure users that it doesn't sell their information to other services or for marketing purposes.

To contact the People Background Check service for any complaints and inquiries, all individuals may call Phone: (855) 882-8466 from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Mondays to Fridays and 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. on Saturdays. Alternatively, interested individuals may also fill the customer contact form displayed on the website.