How to Opt Out from California Nursing in 2021

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California Nursing is a free website that allows individuals to search and verify nurses licensed to practice in California. The service has records on over 180,000 nurses. With this service, it is possible to check if nurses are properly licensed, their license registration details, the date of license issue, the date of expiry of the license, and license status. An individual can also find a new provider and write reviews on licensed entries. California Nursing records can also be browsed based on location, category, or status.

Through California Nursing, users can verify a nurse's license by entering the person's name into the provided search box on the website. The website also has a "browse" option where users can sift through records rather than searching with a particular name. This feature helps when there is a name disparity or the user wants to search based on the licensee's location or the status of the license. The records on California Nursing are updated every two to four weeks, and are sourced from official government records and other data sources. California Nursing is not affiliated with the California Board of Registered Nurses.

The California Nursing website provides nurses with a means to delete their listings. As it does not offer subscription services or user accounts, it does not collect the personal information of users via a registration process. Also, because it is free, it does not store payment data such as credit cards, debit cards, and other financial information, like other data broker sites. Nonetheless, it may collect usage or traffic information, such as:

  • Cookies: This is used to store a user's unique data such as browser data, IP address, geolocation data, type of device, operating system of the computer, mobile device used, and user's browsing history. Visitors can prevent this using web browser settings that reject cookies or notify them of the cookies and offer the option of accepting or rejecting them.
  • Search histories.
  • Information shared via email communications while trying to sort out issues concerning a listing or access more information from the service.

How to Opt-Out of California Nursing

Individuals can delist their records from California Nursing using an email address provided by the service. Here are the steps to opt-out from the website:

  1. Find the record through the "browse" function of the website, or type in a name in the search box to find it.
  2. Click on the name to display the license holder's page.
  3. Copy the URL of the listing/page as this will help to identify it.
  4. Send an email to requesting deletion of the record. Include the listing's ID (this can be found at the bottom right corner of the license) and the copied URL of the listing in the email to complete the process.

Registration or subscription is not required to remove a listing from California Nursing. There is also no charge to request the removal of a listing or complete the opt-out process.

What Difficulties Exist when Opting Out of California Nursing

Removing a listing from California Nursing is quite simple, as the opt-out process can only be completed via email. However, it is difficult to know the duration of this procedure as that information is not provided on the website. There is always a possibility that information delisted from California Nursing can still show up in future search results or was never deleted after an opt-out request.

Sometimes records that have been removed can still appear in searches because of the web browser cache. To prevent cached results, it is advisable to clear browser history and search for the record again. If an entry is still available after clearing the browser history, the user can contact California Nursing via email at
However, note that California Nursing does not give any information on what to do with failed delistings or re-listed records. The absence of "Terms and Condition" and "Privacy" information on the website means that the website's policy towards deleted personal information is not known. Nonetheless, users who experience any issues in the process of delisting a record or afterward can email the California Nursing service at