How to Opt Out from PhoneBooks in 2021

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Phonebooks is a free-to-use online directory that allows users to search for information on persons using specific identifiers. The directory operates similarly to a traditional telephone book, containing the contact information of several persons all around the United States. Upon request, interested parties can receive details stored on this repository.

Phonebooks provides information, including the full names of the searched person and family members, telephone numbers, mailing addresses, age, city of residence, state, home address, social network profiles, date of birth, zodiac sign, and a list of possible associates.

Users of Phonebooks can navigate by inputting specific identifiers into the search fields and using a search button to complete the action. Phonebooks offers three search options to locate information. The first is through address search, which involves entering the street address and the state, city, or zip code to generate a list of records in the directory. The second search option is by phone number, which generates a list of persons possessing that phone number. The third search route entails using search criteria such as first name, last name, and residential city to reveal a list of available information.

The information stored in Phonebooks' database is obtained from the following sources:

  • Publicly available data from the internet, including social networking profiles on social media platforms.
  • Third-party data providers.
  • Users submitted responses on the website.

Parties can delete any personal information collected and stored by Phonebooks by submitting a request.

How to Opt Out of Phonebooks

A person whose information is on Phonebooks can retract their details and that of their dependents. Interested individuals can perform the following procedure:

Step 1

Search using your details to locate the result page containing your information.

Step 2

Scroll down to the bottom right-hand corner of the page and click on the "Request That This Person Be Removed" link.

Step 3

A new page will appear, which contains a removal request form. The form requires three fields of information; the name of the person submitting the request, the email address, and the reason for the removal request. Fill in the requested information by typing into the boxes provided for each response.

Step 4

Tick the checkbox below all three fields. The checkbox affirms the desire of the requester to remove the information and states the terms of the removal.

Step 5

After filling the form, click on the button labeled "Remove Listing" to submit the request.

Since it will take some time to process the request, you will have to wait for a number of days for Phonebooks to remove the information. Phonebooks only permits one removal request per day from a household.

Phonebooks does not sell collected contact information to other parties, nor will the email submitted during the removal request be used for any commercial purpose. Furthermore, does not collect users' contact information during usage and does not require a subscription to use the service.

What Difficulties Exist when Opting Out of Phonebooks

Phonebooks collects and provides information of persons in its database without the owner's consent and no signed end-user agreement, making it difficult to regulate the collection of information on this website. This also implies that even after a removal request is submitted, processed, and executed by, a new record of the same person can begin to accumulate again.

The primary difficulty which exists with removing personal information on Phonebooks is the possibility of the same information reappearing at a later date. This is possible because there is no way to restrict the collection process of personal information by this website since none of it is provided intentionally.

The process of removing information from is relatively simple and straightforward, but the option to execute the removal request submitted is at the discretion of the website's host. A removal request can only be submitted for a page concerning the applicant or a relative of the applicant. The website's host will determine the relationship between the person submitting an application and the person on whose behalf the removal request is submitted.

The removal process might also pose an annoyance because it might take days to complete after submission. Phonebooks might also deny the removal request if one of the terms listed on the removal request form is violated.